When in Christ, in that vast plan,
Thou in Christ didst choose Thy people
E’en before the world began.
Oh, what love Thou, Father, bore us!
Oh, how precious in thy sight!
When to thine own Son Thou gav’st us,
To Thy Son, Thy soul’s delight.
“If you had one son in whom you found unspeakable delight, would it not be normal as a father to want many more? It is exactly so with the eternal Father, Who by nature and choice, has desired and proposed to have a vast family of human-divine sons who are just like His only begotten Son.
“Further, as we view from His heart, it seems evident that the Father makes all His plans with His eternal Son in view. In the unfolding ages ahead, Jesus Christ might have a glorious Body in which to express His very life, and a family of brothers with whom He might enjoy fellowship.
“That as we understand the innermost purpose of the Son, we see how in turn He dedicates Himself to helping the Father realize His intention for Himself, that His Father might have a family of sons in whom HE can have paternal honor, glory, pleasure and delight. The Father plans for His son, whereas the Son lives unto the Father.
“So it is in the Godhead. In a sense no member lives for or unto Himself, but Each for and unto the Other. The Father intends that in all things the Son might have pre-eminence. The Son in turn lives to reveal the Father and thus brings glory and pleasure to Him. Likewise the Spirit speaks not of Himself (not for Himself) but dedicates His activity to reveal the Son and to realize the purpose and goal of both the Father and Son.” God’s Ultimate Intention, DeVern Fromke
And now we come to the “first” beginning as God the Father and God the Son begin their work of expanding and multiplying the fellowship that existed in their dance, their fellowship of love before time, before the foundation of the world.
This plan stretches the bounds of our imagination, but in a way it all makes perfect sense. I mean, think about it. Have you ever had something that was so wonderful, so good, so utterly delightful that you just had to share it with others? Has your heart ever over-flowed and over-glowed in such a way that it wanted to just spill out all over the place? The joy of God in His fellowship with the Son, and the Son for His Father, would "go viral." Like a wind-swept prairie fire, no corner of the universe could hide from the Love of God.
I think this must be how it was with God before time. I think “the plan” they conceived grew out of their joy unspeakable and full of glory! That explosive joy flooded out of their joint love as a River of Life! Now the fellowship sought equal partners and participants in the dance that existed before time, even before the foundation of the world. They not only desired to expand the fellowship, but their desire was to give it the characteristic of a spiritual explosion, to multiply it a thousand fold, to fill a universe of their own design, where God would be “All in All" as it was "before the foundation of the world."
In The Heart Of This Celestial Dance
This River Of Life And Glory
The Eternal Life
The Zoe Life that existed in the Godhead
Flowing from the dual-thrones
Of God and the Lamb
This Celestial Fire Of Joy And Endless Rapture…
A plan was conceived in the Godhead before time to
The fellowship of the Father and the Son
That existed before time
In the divine US...
The L O V E! of God would be
From the
Heart of God…
Into a lowly vessel of earth…
So that the praise would be of God and not of men…(II Cor. 4:6-7).
A vessel would be created that would CONTAIN God's life
Even in its fullness…
The fullness of Him Who fills
All in All (Eph. 1:23).
And their plan was inaugurated by seven words—
Seven words spoken in the passion of the Three-Personned Life of God—
And thus God spoke out of the fullness of HIS Heart the Hidden Treasure of His Heart…Priceless beyond measure…
The implications of this plan were breathtaking!
The Godhead would EXPAND and EXPRESS...
MAGNIFY and MULTIPLY the fellowship
That existed before TIME
in lowly CONTAINERS of earth.
Now somewhere,
before this plan was conceived in eternity past,
God created beings called “angels”
and when they heard this “plan”
they held their breath and were filled with awe and wonder.
For the angels knew
they weren’t created in God’s image.
Oh yes! They knew
that whatever God was planning
was a secret beyond imagination...
even the imagination of angels.
And the angels were filled with awe and
desired greatly to look into these things (I Pet. 1:12) .
So God began “the work” to fulfill His plan…
Conceived Before Time.
The Divine Father,
through the Son,
then created all that is
by the command of His mouth
in order to have a habitation suitable
and worthy of “the vessel”
that would CONTAIN the fellowship,
in its FULLNESS, as joint participants,
With God,
In God
By God and
For God.
He Spoke and...
Galaxies were spun out.
Universes came into being.
Stars to guide man's nights.
A Sun to warm his days.
And then the earth….
And creatures on the earth
of innumerable species
That would multiply
And every desirable tree with fruit
That would multiply
And then God did something beyond belief!
He stooped down...Oh so very low
And by hand, tenderly crafted His “vessel”
The vessel that would CONTAIN Him…in His fullness…
That would multiply
So God made man—male and female—out of the lowest
elements on earth…of mud and clay.
And when He finished building His man—by hand—He did something extraordinary…
something that caused the angels to gasp in disbelief!
He placed His mouth over the nostrils of His earthen vessel
and He breathed in-to it…
This was the Community of Love! Life!and Glory!
The Life of...
That existed in the Godhead
Before Time!
For the first time from all eternity, there was a new species in time
who CONTAINED not only biological life but CONTAINED God-Life, IN itself…
that could reproduce after its own kind.
And God said...
"Be fruitful and...
(the LIFE I have planted within you)
The Fellowship...
the Celestial Fire that existed from Eternity Past now lives IN this new man just like it lived IN God.
Out of the inner-most being of God...His deepest self...
was breathed in-to man...in-to his deepest self...
God’s own Community of life!
And God was so well-pleased because
The fellowship that existed IN Him,
in Eternity Past,
was now out of Him...in Time
in a vessel made of clay and God said...
"This is VERY good!"
That existed in Eternity Past
Is now
Now the divine dance!
The Celestial Fire! of the Father and the Son
would multiply and fill the earth with its glory!
And the Passion and Pleasure Of God
In expanding and expressing their fellowship
In bringing it to earth and planting it in the CONTAINER of Adam
and his beloved Eve
Would bring to the Godhead great pleasure...
And this they called their
But we know that all things were not right in Paradise!
The plan conceived in the heart of God before time
Would suffer an "interruption" by the Usurper!
who was lurking in the shadows...scheming...
plotting...in his cunning hatred of "God's plan."
But God knew what would happen
and had a plan
to restore
"the plan"
conceived "before the foundation of the world".
He would "send His Very Own Son" to be...
the "Son of Man"
the "New Man"
the "Second Man"
the "Glorified Man"
Who would contain "the Life"
In Himself...Full of Grace and Truth!
that would again "reproduce after HIS own Kind."
The Life of the Fellowship in God.
And it would cost God
God's eternal purpose
Is to join with man;
Causing man, His vessel,
To be born again,
His own life imparting,
Filling to the brim;
Man may thus express Him,
And be one with Him.
God in His own image
Hath created man,
That he may be able
To fulfill His plan;
That he may receive Him
As the tree of life
To become His fulness
As to man the wife.
*"Zoe" Life, or the Life as God has in Himself, incorruptible, holy, eternal, divine.
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