"Simply concentrate on this:Be Completely Devoted to Christ IN YOUR HEARTS." I Peter 3:15
Sunday, May 23, 2010
SO MUCH OF OUR PRAYER LIVES are filled with requests for this, that, and the other thing. Dallas Willard has made the comment that we have turned God into our "cosmic Bell Hop." But really, everything has already been given to us in Jesus Christ: "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes and Amen, to the glory of God by us." II Cor. 1:20. and "In Him, God has given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness." II Pet. 1:3-4 When God gave us His only begotten Son, know beloved that He gave us everything He had to give, in Him, by Him, and for Him.
With that in mind, here are some "phases of prayer" that I hope you can use from time to time to just "be with Him" because He is altogether wonderfu! Consider "journaling" your prayers to Him. Let Him speak not only to you but through you. If our Lord gives a portion of Himself to you, remember dear believer, that portion is for the body of Christ. Share it with us.
My intimate Savior, I do not want to come to You cluttered with competing thoughts, desires, and emotions. I ask you to harness my untamed thoughts and desires, still the pounding of my emotions, and conform my will to Yours, so that my heart, soul, mind and strength may rest whole and complete in you alone.
Pause to relax and rest in His presence. Ask God to give you stillness so that you may be receptive to His still-small voice.
O Lord, I open myself now to a deep abiding awareness of your indwelling presence. You dwell at the center of my being in hidden splendor, glory, and wonder. My heart is Your dwelling place. Give me eyes to see You and ears to hear You in Your intimate nearness.
Sanctify the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord in your heart. As He abides in you, abide now in Him. Pause in listening, internal adoration. Then express your heart-filled gratitude to an indwelling Savior.
Holy Spirit, I surrender all that I am to You. I no longer live, but You live in me. I hand back to You all that I am, all that I possess, all that I do. Take and do with me what You will. Bring my every thought and action captive to Your will. To you, my Indwelling Counselor, I surrender myself, absolutely, entirely, without reservation now and forever.
What do you need to let go of? What are you clinging to other than God? Pause to allow the Spirit to point out anything in your life that may be stifling or grieving His Spirit and hindering your walk with Him. Offer your own expression of surrender and repentence.
Wondrous Jesus, come to me now as the good Samaritan. I am as one laying on the side of the road, beaten, wounded by robbers. Pick me up I pray, anoint me with the oil of Your joy, heal my wounds, enter my loneliness and place me in Your sheltering arms where I can rest in Your comfort.
Express in your own way your hunger and thirst for His healing presence.
MY EVERLASTING FATHER, You are my Mighty God, the Lord my Righteousness, my Maker, the Rock of my Salvation, my Fortress, my Hiding Place, my Glory and the Lifter of My Head, my Restorer, my Sure Foundation, my Strong Tower, my Shadow in a Scorching Land.
Pause for a moment as you linger in the Father’s presence. Feel free to express your love to Him.
MY HOLY JESUS, You are Chief Among Ten-Thousand To My Soul, my Rose of Sharon, my Way, my Truth, my Life, my Strength and my Song, my Prince of Peace, my Tender Shepherd, my Everlasting Savior, my Hope, my Righteous Branch, my Dayspring From on High, my King Over All The Earth, my Bright and Morning Star, the Crucified and Risen One, even the Holy One of God.
Pause for a moment as you linger in the Son’s presence. Feel free to express your love to Him.
MY DIVINE SPIRIT, You are my Counselor and Teacher, my Ointment Poured Forth, my Early-Morning Manna, my Fountain of Water in a Dry Place, my Sanctuary, my Crown of Glory, my Diadem of Beauty, my Portion, my Resting Place, my Physician, my Immanuel, my Purifier, my Beloved, my Pouch of Myrrh Within My Heart, the Joy of My Salvation.
Pause for a moment as you linger in the Spirit’s presence. Feel free to express your love to Him.
THE LORD EARNESTLY WAITS--expectant, looking and longing--to be gracious to you, and therefore He lifts Himself up that He may have mercy on you and show lovingkindness to you; for the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed, happy, fortunate, to be envied are all those who earnestly wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him, for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship. Psalms 30:18 Amplified.
BECAUSE CHRIST IS OURS, we have His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and even His matchless, unbroken companionship with the Father. Praise Him on the wings of eternal gratitude for all that is yours in Christ Jesus. You are rich beyond your wildest dreams with treasure that moth and rust can never disfigure, and that no thief can ever break through and steal. It is an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you. Mat.6:20/I Pet.1:4
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